God’s stubborn love

Photo by Gotta Be Worth It on Pexels.com

“But God proves His own love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us”. Romans 5:8 (CSB)

When God loves, He loves too much. Man, as the receiver – due to his limited and frail and fallible capacity – is sometimes incapable of receiving too much because, well, it is just too much.

The thing about God’s love is that it is very stubborn. Once He decided to love you, He will not let go. Once He decided to make you His own, no one can take you away from Him. You might experience discipling from time to time, yet this is not to harm you but to polish you and strengthen your faith. Its for your good.

Even in our worst state, God proved His stubborn love for us by accepting us, and loving us unconditionally. Elsewhere in the New Testament, the Apostle Paul said: “In other words, God was using Christ to restore His relationship with humanity. He didn’t hold people’s faults against them, and He has given us this message of restored relationships to tell others”. 2 Cor. 5:19 (GWT)

Paul was once a persecutor of the church in the first century. He imprisoned people because of their faith in Christ. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was stoned to death with Paul’s approval (Acts 7:54 – Acts 8:1-3). What happened next to Paul was a complete turn-around, a 180-degrees turn, from his old life. From condemned to forgiven, from sinner to saint, from lost to found.

That is why Paul can’t help but speak about it. Paul can’t help but speak of God’s stubborn love that he personally received. God wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. It is the heart of Jesus. That is the heart of the gospel.


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